CategoriesSFS News

Investiture Ceremony

The investiture ceremony, codenamed AZIONARE – Lead, Serve & Inspire, marked a milestone in our academic calendar on July 01, 2024. Following the lamp lighting ceremony, Fr Jose Parappillil gave the presidential address. The event was preceded by the presentation of sashes and badges, symbolizing the assumption of responsibilities by the new student leaders.  The school flag was then presented to the school leaders.

The oath-taking was followed by a musical performance by students holding lighted candles. Sri C John, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Narcotic Cell, Kottayam, graced the occasion as the chief guest. Dr Roy then addressed the gathering. The event was a testament to the school’s commitment to nurturing leadership and fostering a sense of responsibility among its students.



CategoriesSFS News

International Yoga Day 2024

International Yoga Day & Music Day celebration was held on June 20 with great aplomb. The celebration was held on June 20, during the school assembly, organized by Grades VIII A & B. The special guest on this occasion was Sri John C.A., a retired SBI Manager who expatiated on the importance of yoga.

Sri Mathew Joseph, the yoga master at this school, demonstrated various yogic postures and explained the numerous benefits of practising yoga. A chosen few students gave a demonstration of yogic poses on the stage. Isabella Elizabeth Sajo, a Grade VIII student, was recognized as the best yoga student by an association called YANA. Dr Roy presented her with an award on behalf of the school.



CategoriesSFS News

World Environment Day 2024

World Environment Day was celebrated on June 05, under the theme “Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience”. The Pachap campaign set up by the school got rolling with the campaign Bhoomikkoru Kuda, highlighting tree plantation as the need of the hour.

Sri Aby Emmanuel, Secretary of the Meenachil River Protection Council, inaugurated the function. Dr Roy administered an oath that affirmed the school’s responsibility to reduce pollution, conserve resources and protect biodiversity.